Monday, 11 March 2013


PROPHET (SAW) was 40 years old when the angel Gabriel (as) visited him when he was in the Cave of Hira proximity. Gabriel told the Prophet Muhammad, he was appointed by God as a messenger to all mankind.In the early stages, the Prophet only introduced Islam to his closest companions and members of his family. When he received a command from God to preach openly, he immediately agreed.

He gathered some followers in Mecca. Nevertheless, a small group of Muslims is exposed to the threat of death from the infidels, especially the Quraysh, who tortured them severely.In order to avoid such threats, the Prophet ordered his followers to come out from Mecca quietly to Medina (then known as Yathrib). They leave behind families who disbelieve and property and was greeted warmly by the people of Medina. A day in the 622M, which is about 12 years after preaching in Mecca, the Prophet told people he was killing unbelievers in Makkah plan to destroy Islam.Prophet awaiting orders from God. Angel Gabriel (as) find him to tell him God ordered him to leave Medina at night. Following that, he found good companions Abu Bakr (ra) and asked him to accompany him on the trip.

    Rasulullah also said he plans to Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra). He told him: "I will emigrate but you need to take my place in the house." Ali (ra) uncritically follow the demand Prophet (SAW) despite the danger it is exposedThat night, a group of Quraish surrounded the house of The Prophet (SAW).
Peeped through a hole in the door, they noticed someone was sleeping in bed the Prophet (SAW). They were so confident that the Prophet could not escape and they would have killed him. When dawn ahead, they are shocked to see Ali (as) and not the Prophet (SAW) got up from the bed.

  They confounded think when the Prophet (SAW) came out of the house. The Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (as) out of Makkah at night. No one knows the direction of their goals and nobody knows their hiding place except Abdullah and sons Abu Bakr, Aisha and Asma, and their servants, Abdullah.
The Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr hid in a cave on Mount Thaur. For three days they were in the cave. When the Quraish tribe approached the cave to find the Prophet (SAW) but they did not enter. They believe the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (as) not be in for the mouth of the cave is covered with cobwebs thread and a pair of doves.

God help these two people, protecting them from harm. Quraish group then left the cave, and agreed to return to Mecca. Convinced the enemy had left, the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr (as) continued to ride camels carried by their servants, Abdullah.

All three of them are not well known to the route to go to avoid the hunter Medina Quraish. They took to the mountains, hills and desert under the burning sun, but they never give up. They put all faith in God. Meanwhile, the Quraish tribe in Mecca's anger at the loss of the Prophet (SAW). They offer hadih to anyone who could capture the Prophet (SAW).

Many have tried his luck but all failed. Finally, the protection of Almighty God, the Prophet (SAW) and his companions arrived village Children of Sabin that greet them with joy. After a long time, the Prophet (SAW) and his companions felt the presence of the end of hope for the future. When the Prophet (SAW) and his companions on the way, the Muslims who have migrated to Medina before hearing news of their leader's arrival.

Even the people of Medina who recently embraced Islam also glad to meet the Prophet (SAW). Clearly, before the arrival of the Prophet in Medina, Islam further strengthened in the new site, something that did not happen while he was in Mecca. Then on Monday the 8th Rabi 622M equivalent to 20 September, the Prophet (SAW) has finally arrived in Quba, Medina border and really get to the city of Medina on 12 Rabi, on Friday and the first Friday prayers in the village of Bani Amar. The Muslims all out to greet him.

Arising from this, the Prophet (SAW) began to build a magnificent Muslim countries. His foster brotherhood among Muslims and urged them to uphold the rights and according to all the commandments of God.

The impact of migration Prophet (SAW) from Mecca to Medina is an important note to make Muslims in this historic event as the beginning of the Islamic calendar.